Home Office Licensing Statistics in the year to 31 March 2014

11 Dec

The Home Office has today released comprehensive statistics relating to alcohol and late night refreshment licensing in England and Wales as at 31 March 2014.

For a comparison to the previous statistics (as at 31 March 2013), please see our article from last year - here

The new statistics can be found here but the main points of interest are reproduced below. The statistics are based on data received from Licensing Authorities and include, in some instances, estimates for non-respondents.

Separately, the DCMS plans to publish entertainment licensing figures as at 31 March 2014 on 18 December 2014

  1. Premises Licences

    • 204,300 premises licences in force in England and Wales on 31 March 2014 being a slight increase of 0.1% (300) compared with the previous year and an increase of 3% (6,300) compared with 31 March 2009.
    • 37,700 premises were licensed for on-sales of alcohol only, down 4% (-1,500) compared with the previous year
    • 52,400 premises were licensed for off-sales or supply of alcohol only, down 3% (-1,700)
    • 78,500 premises were licensed for both on and off-sales or supply of alcohol, down 0.1% (-100)

    In addition:

    • 9,638 applications for new premises licences were received in the year to 31 March 2014
      • 8,763 were granted (4% of the total number of premises licences which were in force on 31 March 2014)
      • 275 were refused
      • outcome was unknown or to be decided for 600
    • 5,190 variation applications
      • 4,738 were granted
      • 169 were refused
      • outcome was unknown or to be decided for 283.
    • 5,166 premises licences were surrendered
    • 621 lapsed
    • 11 suspended by a court
    • 4,027 were suspended by a licensing authority
    • 42 were affected by a closure notice.


  2. Personal Licences
    • 581,000 personal licences in force in England and Wales on 31 March 2014, being 6% (33,700) more than the previous year and 48% (189,400) more than on 31 March 2009.
    • 257 personal licences were surrendered
    • 6 revoked
    • 2 forfeited
    • 14 were suspended by a court.


  3. 24 hour alcohol licences
    • 8,200 premises with 24-hour alcohol licences in force in England and Wales on 31 March 2014 being a slight decrease of 2% (-200) from the previous year but an increase of 8% (600) compared with 31 March 2009.
    • • The number of premises with 24-hour alcohol licences in force on 31 March 2014 equated to 4% of the total number of premises licences.


  4. Reviews
    • 800 Reviews were completed in the year to 31 March 2014, 11% (-100) fewer than the previous year and 27% (-300) fewer than 31 March 2009.
      • 84% (684) were for premises licences following a general application for a review
      • 13% (108) were for premises licences following an application by the police for an expedited review
      • 1% (10) were for premises licences following a closure order
      • 1% (8) were for club premises certificates following a general application for a Review


    Instigators of Reviews were as follows:

    • 58% (468) – Police;
    • 21% (167) – Trading Standards;
    • 7% (53) - Environmental Health Officers;
    • 7% (53) – residents; and
    • 8% (66) – other.


    Outcomes of Reviews included:

    • 689 – conditions added or modified
    • 198 – licence revoked / club premises certificate withdrawn
    • 101 – suspension; and
    • 65 – DPS removed
    • 52 – no action taken


  5. Expedited Reviews
    • 114 applications for an expedited review in the year to 31 March 2014, and 2 of these applications were withdrawn or rejected.
    • Interim steps were taken for 106 expedited reviews and none were taken in 6 cases. Interim steps taken included:
      • 69 occasions - licence suspended
      • 30 occasions - conditions added or modified
      • 17 occasions - operating hours modified
      • 15 occasions - DPS removed
      • 6 occasions - licensable activity partially restricted
      • 5 occasions - licensable activity completely excluded


  6. Hearings, Appeals and Judicial Reviews


    • 3,435 premises licence/club premises certificate applications went to a committee hearing
    • 107 personal licence applications went to a committee hearing
    • 111 completed appeals against the application decision
    • 117 completed appeals against the licence review decision
    • 3 judicial reviews completed


  7. Cumulative Impact areas
    • 208 cumulative impact areas in place on 31 March 2014


  8. Temporary Event Notices
    • 132,200 TENs used in the year to 31 March 2014, equating to:
      • 5% (-7,100) fewer than in the previous year; and
      • 8% (10,100) more than in the year to 31 March 2009.

The Home Office will not be running the alcohol and late night refreshment licensing collection for the year ending March 2015 but will resume the collection for the year ending March 2016.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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